Xeriscaping Ideas

There's more than one right answer when it comes to choosing your landscaping. That's what makes it so tough. With so many options, how can you know you've found one you'll be happy with?

This page has many examples of xeriscaping so you can get a feel for trends and ideas. As you look at different approaches, you can note which elements stand out to you and then create your own approach.

You can create a border around your grass. Note the non-linear borders.

Flowers give you a splash of color. That's especially important near walkways.

Succulents can give you a variety of textures not found in regular shrubs.

With careful planning, you can get a whole range of colors.

Get a variety of size, shape, color, and textures to keep things looking lively.

Dark brown mulch makes it look less dry.

Or you can run with the dry, desert feel.

This arrangement cuts out about 50% of the grass, but still gets some nice Bluegrass.

Another hybrid of grass and xeriscaping. The dry area complements the grassy area.

You don't need to pack your dry areas. Open rocks or mulch are just fine.

Artificial turf allows you to keep the lawn feel, and it takes less water than shrubs.

Rocks are decorative too, and they require no water.

Two things that won't happen here: 1) a cozy picnic, 2) wasting money on water

This one achieves a Japanese aesthetic, mainly by trimming the trees in topiary-style. Boxwoods are versitile


I hope you found these examples useful. Happy landscaping!